Morton Industries Purchases First-Ever Blast Room
Bringing Blasting Process In-House Will Shave Four Weeks Off Product-Delivery Time;
Also Allows Morton to Quote New Blast Pre-Paint Jobs
IVYLAND, PA (March 19, 2023) – Titan Abrasive Systems, a premier designer and manufacturer of quality surface preparation, surface finishing, and sandblasting equipment, announces the purchase of a customized blast room by Morton Industries, a leading U.S. manufacturer of fabricated tube assemblies, sheet metal fabrications, and enclosures.
The blast room purchase – the first one ever by Morton – was driven by a desire to bring the company’s blasting process in-house. Morton had been outsourcing product for blasting before it entered the painting process. Consequently, lead times to the customer were being controlled externally, based on the blasting vendor’s turnaround times.
“We wanted to control our own destiny by keeping product within the walls of the company before painting and shipping the final product,” explained Troy Deiss, Morton Industries’ Director of Operations. “Having a blast room in house will save four weeks of this projected lead time and has even allowed Morton Industries to quote new work that requires blast pre-paint.
“We are excited to have this capability in house and the ability to quote new work we would have passed on before.”
Using the new Titan blast room – which was installed in March – Morton is primarily blasting engine carrier tubes that are used in the mining and agriculture industry. They are blasted prior to painting to add a profile/anchor patter for better paint adhesion.
According to Deiss, the company did examine competitive blast rooms, but gave Titan the nod based on price point as well as performance.
The blast room is 12’ wide, 12’ high, and 15’ in length. It features a mechanical recovery system, using a “sweep-in” style requiring a pit. Accompanying the room is a 6 cu ft blast machine with pressure-hold remote control. An 8,000 CFM cartridge dust collector ensures a safe working environment. Seam-welded, 12 gauge galvanized steel ductwork – clamped together for easy installation – rounds out the deliverables.
Morton is using steel grit as its blast media. Being able to recover the steel grit and reuse it multiple times ensures that Morton will be able to recoup the cost of the Titan recovery system relatively quickly.
Brandon Acker, president of Titan Abrasive Systems, praised Morton’s decision to bring its blasting process in-house.
“Because of all the supply-chain issues that Covid brought, delivery dates on so many industrial products have been stretched out,” he noted. “Companies are looking for any way possible to cut down those times while maintaining a high-quality product.
“Morton’s new blast room will accomplish both objectives’ he added. “And because the company now has total control of the blasting operation, there’s every possibility that the quality of their finished product gets even better. Obviously, I’m biased, but I believe this was a very sound business decision by Morton.”
About Morton Industries
Founded in 1946, Morton Industries has an unwavering corporate philosophy of service and a willingness to learn and grow as our partners’ needs change. Since our inception, Morton Industries has been at the forefront of technology and design, producing complex, cutting-edge, and cost-effective solutions that work. Manufacturers can count on us for bending alloys, assembly and sub-assembly, enclosures, product paint, pack-out and more. Morton Industries brings together the reputation of several legacy manufacturers: Morton Welding Co., Bradley Service Inc., Peoria Tube Forming Corp.; and Benton Steel Fabrications Inc. Today, Morton Industries serves from four strategic locations, providing quick delivery times no matter where our customer is located. For more information, visit
About Titan Abrasive Systems
Founded in 1953, Titan Abrasive designs and manufactures quality surface preparation, surface finishing and sandblasting equipment at an affordable price. In fact, Titan is the industry’s only manufacturer of abrasive blasting equipment to sell directly to their customers, resulting in significant savings. The company’s client base ranges from industry giants such as GE Aviation, the United States Army, and Lockheed-Martin to small businesses across the country in a wide spectrum of vertical markets. Titan prides itself on exceptional customer service, innovative engineering, and on-the-ground installers who ensure that the company’s blast rooms, blast cabinets, and other components are properly installed and working to peak efficiency. For more information, visit
Media Contact

To book Brandon Acker, President of Titan Abrasive, for an exclusive interview or as a podcast guest, please contact Art Sesnovich, Bulldog Communications, at 508-485-0776 or email